It probably isn't polite to compare wedding presents, or to say that one is better than another...but whoever made the rules of manners and etiquette never got a Bacon Subscription for a gift.
Our Maid of Honor in our wedding asked all kinds of questions about when we would be back from our honeymoon and everything. We thought she was just being nice and interested. Her real motive was to plan out when our first shipment of delicious bacon should arrive.
When she told us what she got us for a wedding gift I think my reaction was, "I love you."
Thanks to the passionate folks at Bacon Freak a box filled with assorted flavored packages of bacon arrived at our door step, smelling delicious, every month for six months. The first package even came with a scented t-shirt and stickers all about bacon.
Some of the flavors we got to sample were: Jalapeno, Honey BBQ, Vanilla Bourbon, Sun-Dried Tomato (great for BLT's), Pepper, Hickory Smoked, and Cajun.
I had no idea that such a great little box of heaven could be delivered right to someone's door like that. "New Bacon Day" became a favorite as my husband posted pictures of our box of bacon on Facebook for all to envy.
It is thick-cut and very delicious. This is high quality stuff. It is safe to ship even without any refrigeration because it is cured to last for a long time, but it does come with some freezer packs to keep it from getting too hot.
If you are looking for an amazingly thoughtful gift that is really unique that he is sure to love, head over to and pick out one of the bacon of the month clubs just for him. The way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Bacon is the key.
What do you think about giving the gift of bacon? Do you have any questions about the products? Share with us in the comments below!